Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Make the hurting go away

Step 3 of the LifeWay lesson “Loved by God” based on Romans 8:31-32 indicates that Christians are given confidence as a result of God’s love. The idea, however, that our troubles are inconsequential avoids the reality we experience in life. For example, false accusation causes real hurt. Losing a loved one brings on terrible suffering. Personal failure causes much pain. And so on.

From experience, we want the hurting to go away. More than that, we want what cannot be—life to return to its state prior to the hurtful experience. For this step, you might try using the story “Boys Learning How to Cope in Absent-Father Households” offered by the LikeWay Adult ETB EXTRA! and its suggested plan of attack for these verses. As an alternative, a story is painted in the lyrics of “I dreamed a dream” from the musical Le Miserable. You could contrast the thoughts in these lyrics with those expressed by Paul in the designated verses. This may help some member apply the truth of the verses and experience release from a past hurt. Remember--God loves you!

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