Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Fantasicatillion plus how much?

God has named Christians as joint heirs with Christ (see Romans 8:17). What will we inherit? Glorified with Christ in a redeemed body. Wow! I don’t know how to describe what that will be like. It’s incomparable. Like trying to describe the “Fantasicatillion plus” inheritance of Donald Duck’s nephews from their Uncle Scrooge, the glory of our redeemed bodies cannot be understood. We groan to escape this body of death, but the joy of living in a redeemed body just can’t be described.

I’ll use the pictured PPT slide in step 3 of this lesson “Adopted as God’s Children” based on Romans 8:15-27. We will be conformed to the likeness of Christ and share in His joy in His kingdom. The thrill of the ride begins now with the presence of the indwelling Spirit living in us. How is Christian life now like a roller coaster ride? It’s fun, but we can’t wait till it ends in our future glory!

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