Thursday, November 24, 2005

What a relief it is

Trey Turner writes, “Since the Christian responds to God’s choosing, the Christian’s salvation means charges that the believer does not belong to God or is not faithful to God cannot be brought.”

I often wonder if something is wrong with me if I do not raise my hands in worship when others do, or if others suddenly stand during a praise song, yet I feel no such urge. There are times when I do feel an urge to raise my hands but hold back out of pride. Am I the only one this happens, too?

Also, this bus driver story came to mind as I thought of how to approach step 4 of this LifeWay lesson, “Loved by God” based on Romans 8:28-39. There was “no charge” in his case. You could play a video of an old Alka-Seltzer “What a relief it is” commercial (click the “stream 1” link).

Happy Thanksgiving!

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