Thursday, November 03, 2005

Tell others your struggle

Paul tells us what it’s like to be enslaved to sin. Kevin Shrum writes in the Tennessee Baptist & Reflector “Paul’s point is clear. Even though we have been made free from sin and death, we are not yet fully free from our sinful flesh. That is, while we are set free from the dominion of sin, we still live in our sinful flesh – we will not be completely free from the residual effects of sin. The law of sin is at war with the law of life and faith. Paul was so disgusted with himself at times that he would call himself ‘a wretched man.’”

I like what Troy Bush wrote in the Florida Baptist Witness: “This chapter champions the truth–that we cannot overcome sin by merely attending church and participating in Christian activities. Sin in this text is more than an act. It is our very nature, it is our character. By speaking of our sin, Paul emphasizes our inability to change our nature apart from Jesus Christ.”

In step 4 of this LifeWay lesson “Freed Through Christ,” read Romans 7:17-23 and ask, “What is it about telling others about our struggle with sin that helps us?” Follow up with "Since acknowledging our difficulty with sin is helpful, when should we do it?"

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