Thursday, June 29, 2006

Dying to self

Well, we had 30 visitors to this site yesterday and 11 returning users, but no one chose to offer any help on Step 3. It’s hard to get a discussion going with you folks! Getting you to interact really has me stumped, especially when I consider the easy manner of discussion on blogs involving pastors (eg. Missional Baptist Blog and Fide-o).

Step 4 of LifeWay lesson “Analyze Your Actions” is based on Job 31:24-28, where Job introspectively asked if he had committed idolatry by worshipping wealth, or nature (sun or the moon). This reminds me of the ETB lesson “Worship No Other” from Isaiah 44:1-48:22, but the focus in the current lesson is different.

Job sought to understand the cause of his trouble, but in effect said that he had not worshipped gold, or wealth, or the sun, or the moon. He was faithful to God. The LiefWay material uses the verses to question the connection of wealth to our “feelings of security.” Personally, these verses connect me to the question of “dying to self”.

Care to comment on where these verses take you as a teacher?


Anonymous said...

I have never seen this "Dying to Self" before! I have printed it and posted it in our kitchen. I will share this with my class today. This really puts Job's situation into personal perspective. I think many of us tend to establish ourselves and personalities as a force to be reckoned with in the church family while giving lip service to real humbleness. When bad things happen, people tend to feel they are being unjustly maligned or treated unfairly, and react with loud indignation or outright rebellion. So unlike Job who only desired an explanation for the calamity in his life. Excellent Excellent resource. Thank you very much!

servingHim said...

You're welcome Lloyd!

After teaching, please feel free to post some of the suggestions that come out of your class. I'd like to know the examples others suggest.

Appreciate all you do!