Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Everything happens for a reason

Step 2 of “Carefully Evaluate Explanations” focuses on ‘justice’ as the reason terrible events occur in one’s life (see Job 4:6-7; 6:2-3, 24). Instead, consider giving a mini lecture based on how suffering is explained and asking into which category does ‘justice’ fall. Ask members to think of a cliche responses that correspond to 'justice' done ("he/she got what he deserved").

Ask members for example situations of where they would attribute ‘justice’ (retribution) as the cause of bad things happening. Here are some examples from the news:
Sick (see comment post by Sick down in the article)
Kember got what he deserved
Bibek Moitra ruined our family
Pierzynski pays price for bad reputation

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