Friday, July 04, 2008

PPT slides for Peter: Openness from Acts 9:32-11:18

You might want to read Jeff Meyer’s commentary on “Peter: Openness”. In addition to the Lifeway material, I used his commentary to help prepare my PPT slides. I’ll continue to tweak them before finalizing them tomorrow evening. Happy Independence Day!

I noticed that the questions posted by Chester, Ill First Baptist (see below) started the lesson with the idea of “changing your routine”, which is not a bad idea.

-Share your name with the class and tell us one thing that you do daily as a part of your routine.
-Has anyone ever told you that you need to change your routine? Have you ever felt that it was time to do just that? Is it good to learn new things? Explain your answer.
-Do you have a spiritual routine? Is reading a few verses daily, praying at meals and bedtime, and sitting in a pew on Sunday morning part of your spiritual routine? Is this kind of routine enough for you? Would you like to have more?
-True or false? It is good to form spiritual habits but it is bad when those habits become meaningless.
-We all have our comfort zones, how do you react when you find yourself removed from yours? Has God ever stretched you and pulled you from your area of comfort? How did that feel?
-Circumcised...uncircumcised...what is our first lesson passage really about? Why do you think God wanted us to know about this incident in His Word? Why do you think Peter felt it was important to share this story with the circumcised believers?
-Would you agree that Peter was open to new truth? Do you show a willingness to be open to God's message, even if it involves something entirely new to you?
-Peter was criticized when he went to the home of the Gentile. Have you ever experienced criticism for breaking from accepted religious traditions? What did you think was so important that you did so?
-Who was Scripture written for? Is there any part of God's Word that is not important? Why do we often accept only the part of God's Word which supports our own beliefs rather than other teachings we don't like?
-The Jewish Christians had become rather smug about their beliefs. Peter showed them that the Gentile could become a fellow believer. Is there a group of people we look down our noses at today?
-The last verses of our lesson are called the turning point for missions and the church; why do you think this is so?
-There are many churches of people who worship differently from us and their method of presenting the Gospel varies greatly from ours. Why doesn't one presentation work for everyone? Is our way better than theirs?
-Is there a difference between being baptized in water and being baptized with the Holy Spirit? Has the Holy Spirit been trying to pull you from your spiritual box? Could it be that it is time for you to stretch your spiritual life past the talk and begin taking action? Will you visit the local food pantry and see if you can help? Will you share your Jesus with someone twenty years younger than you? Will you share your Jesus with someone twenty years older than you? Will you seek God's will and purpose for the next chapter of your life? Let's pray!


Anonymous said...

In the context of this week's lesson for having a teachable spirit and showing 'openness' I was instantly reminded of James 1: 19-20:

'So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.'

For years I was taught this is how we are to deal with other people in our lives until I received a 'new teaching' on it recently from my pastor. He pointed out in context of the passage that while it is a good life principle for dealing with others it has to do with our attitude toward the Word of God. It has to do with being 'open' to what God has to say to you through His scriptures; putting away our prideful ways and trying God's way in those tough areas of our lives. The Bible can be terribly convicting and very personal at times...your choices are either to submit to Him or to conversely 'be quick to stop listening, quick to speak, and quick to anger'.

God Bless,


servingHim said...

Thanks kaf, I think I'll add that verse to my lesson!


Unknown said...

Just wanted to say thank you for this blog. I get so much information to use as I prepare for the Sunday Morning Bible Studies.

servingHim said...

You are welcome Sheryl. I teach age 55+ adult couples (avg around 60 per Sunday).

Let us know something about your class.