Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Christian Submission--God's Plan

I’ve been very busy this week and haven’t had much time for posting. The lesson is “Practice Christian Submission” from 1 Peter 2:13-25. How can we convey the idea of Christian submission and the struggle that it usually entails? One idea is to mention Submission Wrestling, and show this short clip of a submission-wrestling match. We struggle to avoid submitting to God-ordained authority just like the two wrestlers struggle to not submit to one another. In what ways do you struggle against authority--in church, at work, in your home, or with government officials? In what ways is your experience like that of a submission wrestler?


Anonymous said...

I appreciate your comments. This weeks lesson seems so difficult to put together. I have really been struggling with it.

servingHim said...

I agree with you! To boot, I haven't had a lot of extra time this week, and it's difficult to get excited about this lesson. That one-two punch has created little inspiration on my part.

Anonymous said...

I am with you. Tough lesson. Prayin' for ya!