Sunday, March 04, 2007

Stranger illustration

This is a last minute post, but I thought I'd tell you that I plan to illustrate the idea of "strangers" mentioned in 1 Peter 1:1 using a man in a shopping mall with his arms folded (or you could show a woman at some sporting event with a non-participating attitude). Lot's of men don't like to shop, so the illustration underscores how Christians should not love the world since our real home is in heaven.


Anonymous said...

My class enjoyed learning how many other women in the US share their names. Thank you for including that website. We didn't focus too much on identity in our lesson, we tended to talk more about the persecution the recipients of Peter's letter were going through, and modern day Christian persecution. We agreed that in the US, we have it pretty easy. We may be harrassed as Christians, but none of us have experienced persecution to the point that we felt our lives were threatened.
I hope you have some more good ideas for this week's lesson. I'm looking forward to hearing them.

servingHim said...

Thanks Ethel, my class enjoyed "How many of me are there?", too. We had fun with the website using some of the "personalities" in the class. Lot's of laughs, but the application was encouraging for everyone to realize that God calls each of us by a unique name. How precious we are in His sight. May God bless you this week!