Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Purity Matters

To make the point that to grow spiritually Christians must desire to listen to sound preaching, watch the short video “Purity Matters”. The “unadulterated spirit milk” Peter spoke of in 1 Peter 2:1-3 is a reference to the quality or “purity” of the “spiritual milk” or Word Christians consume (from personal Bible study, teaching and preaching).

To grow, a Christian must have a strong desire to hear preaching, for example, that rightly divides the Word of truth. Preaching that only coddles what one wants to hear will not challenge the heart and mind to grow.

Take a couple of bottled waters to class and call a member to the front of the room. Make the offer for the member to choose a bottle to drink from, and then before the person responds open one of the bottles and drink from it. Then see which one the person chooses. Make the point that purity matters in what we listen to as Christians. Ask members if they likewise desire to listen to pure (quality) teaching/preaching of God’s Word.

Do you have other ideas for how to illustrate the importance of the concept of "purity" that's needed in order to grow spiritually?

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